
这类人是完美主义者。他们强烈要求自主、看重个人能力、对自 己的创新思想坚定不移,并受其驱使去实现自己的目标。这种人逻辑性强,有判断力,才华横溢,对人对己要求严格。在所有类型的人中 ,这种人独立性最强,喜欢我行我素。面对反对意见,他们通常多疑、霸道、毫不退让。对权威本身,他们毫不在乎,但只要规章制度有 利于他们的长远目标他们就能遵守。   

最适合的工作是:能创造和开发新颖的解决方案来解决问题或改 进现有系统;他们愿意与责任心强,在专业知识、智慧和能力方面能 赢得自己敬佩的人合作;他们喜欢独立工作,但需要定期与少量智囊 人物切磋交流。


Ø 为组织提供理论观点和设计技术
Ø 把想法变成行动计划
Ø 为达成目标排除障碍
Ø 有强烈的关于组织应该成为怎样的组织的理念
Ø 促使组织中的每个人明白组织是由许多复杂、相互作用的部分组成的整体系统

Ø 促使自己和他人完成组织目标
Ø 坚定有力地贯彻执行组织的理念
Ø 要求自己和他人具有顽强意志
Ø 构思、创造新的模型
Ø 必要时,意志坚定地重建整个组织系统

Ø 个性化、思考式学习方式,深入其感兴趣的领域
Ø 智慧型、理论型学习方式,首先要提供一个宏伟蓝图

Ø 喜欢以其内在的认识制定战略、系统和结构,然后客观地做出决定
Ø 为获得最佳结果,会接纳他人和那些使自己的认识更加接近现实的细节资料

Ø 喜欢工作中有果断、理智接受挑战、致力于完成远期理念的人
Ø 工作环境允许思考的独立性和个体性
Ø 强调效率的环境
Ø 环境里有具有竞争力和创造性的人
Ø 鼓励和支持自主性的环境
Ø 提供创造机会的环境
Ø 任务定向型和重视详尽思考的环境

Ø 可能显得强硬,他人不敢接近
Ø 长时间不告诉他人自己的想法,因为认为他人也和自己一样认同自己的想法
Ø 可能很难实际操作理想化的想法
Ø 过度关注任务而忽视他人的贡献

Ø 自己的个性化方式和想法可以征求他人的反馈和建议
Ø 与参与任务的人早一些沟通和讨论自己的想法和战略计划
Ø 当事实资料不支持自己的想法时,应面对现实
Ø 明确他人的贡献应受到鼓励和承认的

INTJ:管理顾问、经济学者、国际银行业务职员、金融规划师、 设计工程师、运作研究分析人员、信息系统开发商、综合网络专业人 员。   






在最广泛的条件下,INTJ人群所做的一般是他们知道的。典型的INTJ人群择业的方向是在科学和工程方面的,但是他们也可能致力于那些需要智慧与犀利言辞并重的领域(例如,律师,学术界的某些领域)。,如果他们愿意花时间去扩展他们的能力,INTJ人群可以从事管理,(无论是出于个人的野心或愿望)很多 INTJ人群觉得学习如何假意的因循守旧是很有利的,因为这可以在某种程度上掩饰他们内在的异常性格而


















































在一次傍晚的棋艺社活动中,她慢慢地走到科特身边。科特是一个1 800等级的棋手,他正和一位1 700等级的棋友在下快棋。她站在距离科特右侧大约两尺的地方,并且在科特每次下一步棋时都静静地摇头。






























INTJ容易遇事较真儿(serious), 分析能力挺强(analytical), 有完美主义倾向(perfectionistic)

- 这是我们能够看到的INTJ的最显著的3个特征.

INTJ会多角度的考虑事情, 会系统的, 有组织的去分析它, 丢弃任何有疑问的事实或细节, 还会根据新出现的情况更新自己对事物的认识, 以上这些是INTJ最擅长做的事情, 其它类型也可以, 但INTJ最擅长, 这使得INTJ极可能在众科学或数学领域中更享天赋.

对于任何观点, INTJ都希望能尽可能透彻的理解它(即意味着可以以之解释更多的事情), 在理解力方面ta们对自己要求相当高(大概就是如果有什么东西ta们搞不懂, 其心里就会很愧疚). 对于个人成就, INTJ也自笃甚严, ta们会对自己和别人要求都很高, 以致于INTJ基本上只看得起在某领域中至少能与之伯仲相称的人.

INTJ偏爱"清晰"+"简明"的行事风格, 对于纯属社交所需的的想法和做法则少有敬意. 对于往往仅追求对客观事物本身深入理解的INTJ而言, 一副坡受欢迎的社交面孔不仅是不必要的, 甚至可以直接被定性为"虚伪做作". INTJ唯一认为有意义的社交活动就是大家在一起交流有深意的想法或见解, 然而, ta们却因此往往忽视了"无论如何首先要让自己表现的友好和招人喜欢"的交际准则, 更甚, 如果这种交际仅以情感交流为主, 几无任何辩证的观点或有逻辑的语言的话, INTJ就会感到十分的不舒服.

总之, INTJ重视的是"结构"(structure), "次序"(order), "知识"(knowledge), "实力"(competence), "逻辑"(logic), 当然, ta们最重视的还是自己对于这个世界的理解和直觉判断. 一个INTJ型人的成就感会主要取决于ta对自己理解力和个人业绩的评估, 同时也部分取决于生活中各方面能否平衡, 以及其能否对生命中亲近的人在智力和能力方面给予合理的尊重.


每个类型都有自己的特殊优势. 如果你想找到自己会乐于做的事情并且希望做好它, 那你需要认清这些优势, 然后去强化它们. 作为INTJ, 你应该会在自己身上找到以下特征:

INTJ的思维天生就会不由自主的对一切外来信息(Information)进行系统的, 当然也是多角度的全面分析, 然后一旦辨明信息的真伪或意识到了其可利用的价值, INTJ就会有选择的保留或丢弃信息. INTJ在学校里很可能功课不错, 事实上, 对任何要求有较高逻辑思考能力的事情INTJ都应该做得不错.

INTJ十分, 十分的有洞察力, ta们能用自己的直觉"看"(notice)到别人不大能注意到的事实, 这种能觉察到所发生事情的性质或其衍生含义的能力是会以很多方式帮助到INTJ的. 当给定(或自己设定)一项目标或一个场景, INTJ就能想象出关于它的尽量多的可能的实现途径或发展方向, ta会从不同的角度来考虑一个问题, 等ta想完了, 就得到了一个切合实际的能够处理当前困境的解决方案.

INTJ不会亲自批评什么, 同时ta们对于别人的观点持开放态度, 一旦有更好的想法, INTJ愿意立即改变自己的观点.

INTJ做自己感兴趣的事情会有一种"执着"精神. Ta们不惧劳苦, 在自己有兴趣的事情上愿意投入大量精力, 这种品质可以帮助ta们实现任何既定目标(当然, 前提是这事儿是ta自己想做). 同时, 由于其对逻辑思维的偏爱和易于集中注意力的优势, INTJ通常能够理解相对困难的观点(idea)和概念(concept).

此外, Te和Ni功能已发展相对成熟的INTJ应该具备下列的特殊才能:

* Ta们应已可以对自己的直觉"证伪", 即能够分辨直觉回馈的信息的优劣, 然后为实现目标找到最精妙的方法, 或能够制定一个能成功的计划来达到目的. 一旦如此, INTJ就可能成为出色科学家, 数学家, 医生或商业战略制定者.

* 能够有效搭配自己的理解力, 逻辑思考能力和做事情的耐性, 如此INTJ可能会完成学术上有新发现或颠覆性的更新现有知识, 这种成果通常意味着INTJ对社会作出的重大贡献, 比如说, 如果INTJ在将来发现了根治癌症的方法

* 如果判断维度(Judgment)发展完善的话, INTJ将可以理解甚至钻研远超过(一般认为)其自然智力所能掌握的概念.

* 在人生阅历已够丰富的情况下, INTJ也可以成为强有力的政坛人物.


知其事何所难, 才知其事何所易. 有优点, 必有缺点.

INTJ应该可以被看作少见的聪慧的人群, 但ta们也有缺点. 我们希望以下信息能够帮助你改良自身, 成为你所应成为的尽可能快乐与成功的人, 而不是给你带来不必要的负面影响.

INTJ的绝大多数的个性劣势其实都"归咎于"其首要功能Ni(内向直觉)几乎完全支配其个性结构这项事实, 在此情况下, 其它3个辅助功能实际上只得沦为Ni的"仆从"而不能有效发挥作用.

因此, 任何INTJ都至少会部分的在不同强度上反映出以下诸项由于辅助功能发展不完全而导致的个性劣势:

* 不知道(或许也不关心)怎么能讨人喜欢
* 会在未经认真考虑的情况下迅速摒弃别人的建议
* 更多的要求别人表现的像判断型个性(如守时, 洁净, 清晰而有条理, 按计划办事..), 对自己在此方面则不是事事在乎
* 总愿意也总能发现任何别人在各自生活/工作中的不良之处, 仅仅因为INTJ认为自己擅长多角度的分析事实
* 吹毛求疵, 即仅为了找出缺点而去找出(某项观念或某个人的)缺点
* 甚至还为自己保持评判性和总能发现不足之处的能力沾沾自喜
* 会对他人有不切实际或不理性的期望(即对他人要求过高, 希望"最好是别人能主动把琐事都做完, 我给点指导性意见就可以了")
* 对他人的不足之处表现的缺乏耐性, 无雅量
* 有时甚或认为自己总是对的(always right!)
* 会故意嘲弄或讥讽他人
* 时而暴戾易怒
* 会记仇, 难于真正原谅他人; 但也会因此而有卧薪尝胆之志
* 摇摆不定(wishy-washy), 犹豫不决, 在需要急速应变的人环境中表现不佳, 甚或不知所措
* 无论何时何地, 面对何事, 思维时刻可能走神, 难以集中于某一具体论题内


一个INTJ的所有麻烦基本上都缘起于Ni(内向直觉)功能在这个人个性结构中的"一家独大". 一个健康的个性结构首先应该是平衡的- 即首要功能和3个辅助功能"权力"的平衡, 之于INTJ, Ni也需要从Te, Fi, Se那里得到合理的帮助, 而不是把这些辅助功能当奴隶一样使唤, 否则NTFS四项功能一定无一可尽其所能.

众所周知, Ni的作用就是不断的收集信息, 从不同的角度观察每一件事, 其作为INTJ的主要功能会不时的向大脑"轰入"一些新信息以供主体(INTJ)去考虑, 在此, Ni就像是INTJ的领悟力(理解力)系统(framework for understanding), 这个系统的特性是可以把已被接受的新的信息整合入自身, 在此过程中系统也就完成了一次更新. 显然, 如果被接受的是更正确或更有价值的新信息, 那么系统就是在进步. 其实, 既然Ni是收集信息的功能, 那么任何被感知到的事物都必须首先进入这个领悟力系统, 然后INTJ再决定是否值得为之调整一下自己的认知结构. 如果被接受的是一组真的前所未闻的新信息(全新的信息INTJ是一定会接受的), 那么INTJ就可能需要为之完全修改自己的思维参照系(即意味着领悟力系统会因此发生革命性的更新). 因此, INTJ对于从外部世界吸收的信息时而会需要相对较长的时间来处理, 以求把它们都搞懂, 这对于INTJ倒是真正有点难度的事情. 为了^透彻的^理解某观点或事件, INTJ会感到自己被太多需要思考的事情完全淹没了, INTJ对这种感觉应该并不陌生.

然而, 全新的或明显有价值的信息在现实中并不充裕, 即不能保证其时时不间断输入, 因此, 对于INTJ而言, 如不能促使理解力进步, 则至少应保证其不致因整合质量不高的信息而退化 - 这种机制极易导致以下现象: 即Ni作为首要功能的主导地位形成"垄断"而3个辅助功能均无法合理发挥作用, 此时的INTJ就会过于随意的丢弃许多ta本该考虑一下的信息. 此时, INTJ会命令其次要功能Te(外向思考)拒绝接受任何看起来似乎以前已经见过的新信息, 而不是先接受它, 命令Te对之首先分析一下, 然后决定怎么整合它. 由此, INTJ的领悟力系统更新的概率自然就小了很多(而事实上却冒了风险, 可能人也会因此而固执了许多).

应用Te拒绝外来信息至少在两点上对INTJ有好处: 1.帮助INTJ节约精力, 以准备思考真的前所未闻的新信息 2.保护INTJ脆弱的"心理禁区"不受惊扰.然而, 尽管如此, 我们仍不能忽视其弊端, 即INTJ确实可能因此轻易就滤过了本可以协助其更轻易(有时真的很轻易)理解某事物的重要信息, 同时, 此习惯也易导致INTJ面对他人时表现得过分固执己见, 甚或为了取信于对方而^假充内行^等.

于INTJ而言, Te的更合理用途应在于评估其内心十分十分丰富的各种观点和见解(Ni的产品), 并将它们与现实世界做对比分析, 而有的INTJ为了卫护其领悟力-Ni(即为了卫护"我就是对的"的感觉)而拒绝接受外来新信息的行为实质上无异于自欺欺人, 此状态就好比不先审题而直接答题了一样, 这样做自然会很舒服, 因为随便给一个结论总要比把一切都弄清楚要容易得多, 此外, 由于INTJ的首要功能Ni是一项感知功能, 这就使得INTJ随时都有大量的信息以及关于若干想法的"探究"需要思维去处理, 重压之下, INTJ必然倾向于寻求某种"捷径"以减轻思维负担- 绝大多数的INTJ都会在不同程度上实践此行为. 然而, 待及其个性结构过于倾斜以致于主体(INTJ)本人表现得极度自我中心, 极难得考虑他人建议之时, 麻烦就要来了.

The Scientist

As an INTJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically.

INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.

With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action.

INTJ's tremendous value and need for systems and organization, combined with their natural insightfulness, makes them excellent scientists. An INTJ scientist gives a gift to society by putting their ideas into a useful form for others to follow. It is not easy for the INTJ to express their internal images, insights, and abstractions. The internal form of the INTJ's thoughts and concepts is highly individualized, and is not readily translatable into a form that others will understand. However, the INTJ is driven to translate their ideas into a plan or system that is usually readily explainable, rather than to do a direct translation of their thoughts. They usually don't see the value of a direct transaction, and will also have difficulty expressing their ideas, which are non-linear. However, their extreme respect of knowledge and intelligence will motivate them to explain themselves to another person who they feel is deserving of the effort.

INTJs are natural leaders, although they usually choose to remain in the background until they see a real need to take over the lead. When they are in leadership roles, they are quite effective, because they are able to objectively see the reality of a situation, and are adaptable enough to change things which aren't working well. They are the supreme strategists - always scanning available ideas and concepts and weighing them against their current strategy, to plan for every conceivable contingency.

INTJs spend a lot of time inside their own minds, and may have little interest in the other people's thoughts or feelings. Unless their Feeling side is developed, they may have problems giving other people the level of intimacy that is needed. Unless their Sensing side is developed, they may have a tendency to ignore details which are necessary for implementing their ideas.

The INTJ's interest in dealing with the world is to make decisions, express judgments, and put everything that they encounter into an understandable and rational system. Consequently, they are quick to express judgments. Often they have very evolved intuitions, and are convinced that they are right about things. Unless they complement their intuitive understanding with a well-developed ability to express their insights, they may find themselves frequently misunderstood. In these cases, INTJs tend to blame misunderstandings on the limitations of the other party, rather than on their own difficulty in expressing themselves. This tendency may cause the INTJ to dismiss others input too quickly, and to become generally arrogant and elitist.

INTJs are ambitious, self-confident, deliberate, long-range thinkers. Many INTJs end up in engineering or scientific pursuits, although some find enough challenge within the business world in areas which involve organizing and strategic planning. They dislike messiness and inefficiency, and anything that is muddled or unclear. They value clarity and efficiency, and will put enormous amounts of energy and time into consolidating their insights into structured patterns.

Other people may have a difficult time understanding an INTJ. They may see them as aloof and reserved. Indeed, the INTJ is not overly demonstrative of their affections, and is likely to not give as much praise or positive support as others may need or desire. That doesn't mean that he or she doesn't truly have affection or regard for others, they simply do not typically feel the need to express it. Others may falsely perceive the INTJ as being rigid and set in their ways. Nothing could be further from the truth, because the INTJ is committed to always finding the objective best strategy to implement their ideas. The INTJ is usually quite open to hearing an alternative way of doing something.

When under a great deal of stress, the INTJ may become obsessed with mindless repetitive, Sensate activities, such as over-drinking. They may also tend to become absorbed with minutia and details that they would not normally consider important to their overall goal.

INTJs need to remember to express themselves sufficiently, so as to avoid difficulties with people misunderstandings. In the absence of properly developing their communication abilities, they may become abrupt and short with people, and isolationists.

INTJs have a tremendous amount of ability to accomplish great things. They have insight into the Big Picture, and are driven to synthesize their concepts into solid plans of action. Their reasoning skills gives them the means to accomplish that. INTJs are most always highly competent people, and will not have a problem meeting their career or education goals. They have the capability to make great strides in these arenas. On a personal level, the INTJ who practices tolerances and puts effort into effectively communicating their insights to others has everything in his or her power to lead a rich and rewarding life.


What does Success mean to an INTJ?

People with the INTJ personality type are serious, analytical and perfectionistic. They look at a problem or idea from multiple perspectives and systematically analyze it with objective logic, discarding things that turn out to be problematic, and evolving their own understanding of something when new information turns out to be useful. There is no other personality type who does this as naturally as the INTJ. They are natural scientists and mathematicians. Once given an idea, they are driven to understand it as thoroughly as possible. They usually have very high standards for their own understanding and accomplishments, and generally will only value and consider other individuals who have shown that they meet or surpass the INTJ's own understanding on a given issue. INTJs value clarity and conciseness, and have little esteem for behaviors and attitudes that are purely social. Social "niceties" often seem unnecessary and perhaps even ungenuine to the INTJ, who is always seeking to improve their substantive understanding. INTJ's highly value social interaction that is centered around the meaningful exchange of ideas, but they usually dismiss the importance of being friendly or likeable in other social contexts, and they are likely to be uncomfortable with interactions that are primarily emotional, rather than logical. INTJs value structure, order, knowledge, competence, and logic. Above all, they value their own ideas and intuitions about the world. An INTJ's feeling of success depends primarily upon their own level of understanding and accomplishment, but also depends upon the level of structure in their life, and their ability to respect the intelligence and competence of those who share their life.

Allowing Your INTJ Strengths to Flourish

As an INTJ, you have gifts that are specific to your personality type that aren't natural strengths for other types. By recognizing your special gifts and encouraging their growth and development, you will more readily see your place in the world, and be more content with your role.

Nearly all INTJs will recognize the following characteristics in themselves. They should embrace and nourish these strengths:
  • The INTJ's mind is naturally geared towards systematically analyzing information from many contextual perspectives, and rejecting or retaining information as they become aware of its usefulness or validity. They probably do very well in school, and in any pursuit that requires serious analytical thinking.
  • They're extremely insightful, and see things that are not obvious to others. This ability to see patterns and meanings in the world can help the INTJ in many different ways.
  • When given a goal or context, an INTJ is able to generate all kinds of possibilities. They're able to see the problem from many different angles, and come up with a solution that fits the needs of the current situation.
  • They don't take criticism personally, and are open to changing their opinions when they're shown a better idea or better way of doing something.
  • An INTJ has a "stick to it" attitude. They're not afraid of hard work, and will put forth a great deal of effort towards something that they are interested in. This persistence will help the INTJ to achieve any identified goal.
  • Usually intelligent and able to concentrate and focus, the INTJ can usually grasp difficult ideas and concepts.
    INTJs who have a well-developed Extraverted Thinking function to complement their dominant Introverted iNtuition will enjoy these special gifts:
  • They can discriminate well amongst their intuitions and build ingenious systems to meet identified goals, or determine a successful plan of action to meet an identified need. In such a way, they may be brilliant scientists, doctors, mathematicians, or corporate strategists.
  • Their deep understanding, logical abilities, and persistence may enable them to make discoveries or uncover new ways of looking at something. In such a way, they may perform a great service to society. For example, an INTJ is the likely personality type to discover the cure for cancer.
  • The INTJ with well-developed judgment will be able to grasp and process concepts that are beyond what their natural intelligence appears to be able to handle.
  • If they have achieved a good amount of life wisdom, an INTJ can become a powerful political force.
  • Potential Problem Areas

    With any gift of strength, there is an associated weakness. Without "bad", there would be no "good". Without "difficult", there would be no "easy". We value our strengths, but we often curse and ignore our weaknesses. To grow as a person and get what we want out of life, we must not only capitalize upon our strengths, but also face our weaknesses and deal with them. That means taking a hard look at our personality type's potential problem areas.

    INTJs are rare and intelligent people with many special gifts. This should be kept in mind as you read some of the more negative material about INTJ weaknesses. Remember that these weaknesses are natural. We offer this information to enact positive change, rather than as blatant criticism. We want you to grow into your full potential, and be the happiest and most successful person that you can become.

    Most of the weaker characteristics that are found in INTJs are due to their dominant function (Introverted iNtuition) overtaking their personality to the point that the other forces in their personality exist merely to serve the purposes of Introverted iNtuition. In such cases, an INTJ may show some or all of the following weaknesses in varying degrees:

  • May be unaware (and sometimes uncaring) of how they come across to others
  • May quickly dismiss input from others without really considering it
  • May apply their judgment more often towards others, rather than towards themselves
  • With their ability to see an issue from many sides, they may always find others at fault for problems in their own lives
  • May look at external ideas and people with the primary purpose of finding fault
  • May take pride in their ability to be critical and find fault in people and things
  • May have unrealistic and/or unreasonable expectations of others
  • May be intolerant of weaknesses in others
  • May believe that they're always right
  • May be cuttingly derisive and sarcastic towards others
  • May have an intense and quick temper
  • May hold grudges, and have difficulty forgiving people
  • May be wishy-washy and unsure how to act in situations that require
  • May have difficulty communicating their thoughts and feelings to others
  • May see so many tangents everywhere that they can't stay focused on the bottom line or the big picture
  • Explanation of Problems

    Most of the problems described above are a result of Introverted iNtuition overtaking the INTJ's personality to the point that all of the other functions become slaves to Introverted iNtuition. A healthy personality needs to have a good balance between its dominant and auxiliary functions. For an INTJ, the dominant Introverted iNtuition needs to be well-supported by the auxiliary Extraverted Thinking function. If Extraverted Thinking exists only to support the desires of Introverted iNtuition, then neither function is being used to its potential.

    Introverted iNtuition is a personality function that constantly gathers information, and sees everything from many different perspectives. As the dominant player in a personality, it has the effect of constantly bombarding the psyche with new information to consider. Introverted iNtuition is sort of like a framework for understanding that exists in the mind. As something is perceived, it is melded into the existing intuitive framework. If an entirely new piece of information is perceived by the Introverted iNtuitive, that person must redefine their entire framework of reference. So, Introverted iNtuitives are constantly taking in information about the world that needs to be processed in a relatively lengthy manner in order to be understood. That presents quite a challenge to the INTJ. It's not unusual for an INTJ to feel overwhelmed with all of the things that he or she needs to consider in order to fully understand an idea or situation.

    When Introverted iNtuition dominates the INTJ such that the other functions cannot serve their own purposes, we find the INTJ cutting off information that it needs to consider. If the psyche is presented with information that looks anything like something that Introverted iNtuition has processed in the past, it uses Extraverted Thinking to quickly reject that information. The psyche uses Extraverted Thinking to reject the ideas, rather than analyzing the information within its intuitive framework, and therefore reduces the likelihood that the framework will have to be reshaped and redefined.

    Using Extraverted Thinking in this manner serves the INTJ's psyche in two ways: 1) it saves it the energy that would have to be expended to truly consider new information, and 2) it protects the INTJ's sacred inner world. In either case, it is not ideal. It causes the INTJ to not consider information that may be useful or criticial in developing a real understanding of an issue. It also probably causes the INTJ to come off as too strongly opinionated or snobbish to others.

    The better use of Extraverted Thinking for an INTJ would be to use it to assess the INTJ's rich insights and weigh them against the external world. When the INTJ personality uses Extraverted Thinking to cut off incoming information, rather than to judge internal intuitions, it is effectively cheating itself. It's like getting the answers to a test without having to really understand the questions. It's easier to get the answer right away, rather than to have to figure everything out. For the INTJ, who has a tremendous amount of information and "studying" that needs to be done, it's very tempting to take shortcuts. Most INTJs will do this to some extent. The real problems occur when an INTJ personality has become so imbalanced that its owner is extremely self-important and rarely consider anyone else's opinions or ideas.


    To grow as an individual, the INTJ needs to focus on applying their judgment to things only after they have gone through their intuition. In other words, the INTJ needs to consciously try not to use their judgment to dismiss ideas prematurely. Rather, they should use their judgment against their own ideas. One cannot effectively judge something that they don't understand. The INTJ needs to take things entirely into their intuition in order to understand them. It may be neccesary to give your intuition enough time to work through the new information so that it can rebuild its global framework of understanding. INTJs need to focus on using their judgment not to dismiss ideas, but rather to support their intuitive framework.

    An INTJ who is concerned with personal growth will pay close attention to the subject of their judgments, and their motivation for making judgments. Are they judging something external to themself, or are they judging something that they have sifted through their intuition? Is the motivation for judging something to be able to understand its usefulness in the world, or to dismiss it? Too often, an INTJ will judge something without properly understanding it, and with the intention of dismissing it. Seek first to understand, then to judge.

    Living Happily in our World as an INTJ

    Some INTJs have difficulty fitting into our society. Their problems are generally associated with not knowing (or caring) how they come across to others, with having unreasonable expectations for others' behaviors, and with not putting forth effort to meet others' emotional needs. These issues stem primarily from the common INTJ habit of using Extraverted Thinking to find fault externally, rather than internally, and therefore diminish the importance of the external world, and increase the importance of the INTJ's own internal world. INTJs who recognize that their knowledge and understanding (and therefore general happiness and feeling of success) can be enriched by the synergy of other people's knowledge and understanding will find that they can be committed to their rich internal worlds and still have satisfying relationships with others. In order to accomplish this, the INTJ needs to recognize the importance of extraversion, and develop their highest extraverted function, Extraverted Thinking.

    An INTJ who uses Extraverted Thinking to find fault externally rather than internally may become so strongly opinionated that they form rigid and unreasonable expectations for others. Their hyper-vigilant judgments about the rationality and competence of others may be a very effective way of keeping themselves at an emotional distance from others. This will preserve the sanctity of the INTJ's inner world of ideas, but will reduce a lot of valuable input, arrest the development of their social character, and stagnate the development of the INTJ's rich structural framework of understanding. In extreme cases, the INTJ may find himself or herself quite along and lonely.

    More commonly, an INTJ's interpersonal problems will occur when they express their displeasure to those close to them in very biting and hurtful terms. Everyone needs emotional distance at one time or another, and the INTJ wants more than most types. Perhaps this is why INTJs are famous for their biting sarcasm. An INTJ's internal world is extremely important to them. They may be protecting their internal world by using sarcasm to keep others at an emotional distance, or they may be sarcastic with others because they believe that they have the more evolved and logical understanding of the issue at hand, and seek to cut off the spurious input that they're receiving. This is an important distinction to recognize. An INTJ who is seeking an emotional respite can find ways to be alone that don't require injuring feelings and damaging relationships. When distance is required, the INTJ should just "leave". If an explanation is necessary, an INTJ should use their Extraverted Thinking to explain their need rationally and objectively, rather than using Extraverted Thinking to insult the other person, and therefore prod them into leaving.

    Specific suggestions:

    • Take care to listen to someone's idea entirely before you pass judgment on it. Ask questions if necessary. Do whatever it takes to make sure that you understand the idea. Try not to begin judging anything about the idea until you have understood it entirely.
    • Before you begin talking to another person, pause for a moment and look at that person. Take in that person's attitude and feelings at that moment. Be aware of the person with whom you're speaking.
    • If you become upset, walk away immediately. DO NOT express anger. When you get angry, you lose. After you have calmed down, apologize for leaving and continue with what you were doing.
    • Try to identify the personality type of everyone that you encounter frequently in your life. Remember that people with the Sensing preference need to be communicated with in a direct, concise manner. Speak plainly and simply with Sensors, giving "yes" or "no" answers.
    • Try to be on good terms with all people, even those that you consider beneath you. Try to understand that everybody has something to offer.
    • When you make judgments or decisions, try to be aware of your motivation for making the judgment. Are you more interested in finding fault externally, or in improving your own understanding? Seek first to understand, and then to judge.

    Ten Rules to Live By to Achieve INTJ Success

    1. Feed Your Strengths! Do things that allow your brilliant intuition and logical abilities to flourish. Explore the fascinating worlds of science, mathematics, law and medicine. Give your mind an outlet for its exceptional analytical abilities, and watch them grow.
    2. Face Your Weaknesses! See your weaknesses for what they are, and seek to overcome them. Especially, strive to use your judgment against your internal ideas and intuitions, rather than as a means of disregarding other people's ideas.
    3. Talk Through Your Thoughts. You need to step through your intuitions in order to put them into perspective. Give yourself time to do this, and take advantage of discussing ideas with others. You'll find externalizing your internal intuitions to be a valuable exercise. If you don't have someone to discuss your ideas with, try expressing your ideas clearly in writing.
    4. Take in Everything. Don't dismiss ideas prematurely because you don't respect the person generating the ideas, or because you think you already know it all. After all, everybody has something to offer, and nobody knows everything. Steven Covey says it so well when he says: "Seek first to understand, and then to be understood."
    5. When You Get Angry, You Lose. Your passion and intensity are strong assets, but can be very harmful if you allow yourself to fall into the "Anger Trap". Remember that Anger is destructive to your personal relationships. Work through your anger before you impress it upon others, or you will likely find yourself alone. Disagreements and disappointments can only be handled effectively in a non-personal and dispassionate manner.
    6. Respect your Need for Intellectual Compatibility Don't expect yourself to be a "touchy-feely" or "warm-fuzzy" person. Realize that your most ardent bonds with others will start with the head, rather than the heart. Be aware of other's emotional needs, and express your genuine love and respect for them in terms that are real to YOU. Be yourself.
    7. Be Accountable for Yourself. Don't blame the problems in your life on other people. Look inwardly for solutions. No one has more control over your life than you have.
    8. Be Humble. Judge yourself at least as harshly as you judge others.
    9. Assume the Best. Don't distress yourself and others by dwelling on the dark side of everything. Just as there is a positive charge for every negative charge, there is a light side to every dark side. Remember that positive situations are created by positive attitudes. Expect the best, and the best will come forward.
    10. Don't Get Isolated! Recognize the value that the external world represents to you, and interact with it in the style that's natural to you. Join clubs and internet e-mail lists that house in-depth discussions of topics that you're interested in. Seek and foster friendships with others of like competence and capacity for understanding. Extravert in your own style.


    个性类型: 内向、直觉、思考、判断
    ( 技术问题的解决者 )











    各类科学家、研究所科研人员、设计工程师、建筑师、系统分析师 / 员等;管理顾问、经济学者、法律顾问、投资专家 / 顾问、国际银行业务职员、金融规划师、各类技术顾问 / 专家、医学专家、精神分析学家、学术研究等;运营总监、信息系统开发、信息总监、财务预算经理、社论作家等。



    ★ 天生的思想家、谋略家和组织者,可以清楚地看到未来的可能性
    ★ 富有洞察力和创造性,喜欢复杂理论及智力上的挑战
    ★ 有创造性地解决问题的天资,能客观审查问题
    ★ 对于在工作中胜任和胜出有强烈的动机
    ★ 自信、客观、果断,能逻辑地分析并做出决定  
    ★ 即使面对批评和阻挠,也能够无反顾地去实现目标  
    ★ 独立、自主,能很好地适应一个人单独工作  
    ★ 标准高,意志坚定,工作原则性强  
    ★ 能创造方法体系和模式达到目标
    ★ 客观务实,实事求是,不迷信权威

    ★ 律己律人才容易出严谨的作品,但自己对高品质的追求,是否适用所有人?
    ★ 我无意于使用小的伎俩来维持人际,但这会不会给他人枯燥、冷漠、无礼、自大的印象,而影响他人对我的工作的配合与支持呢?
    ★ 我相信自己的判断力,愿意坚定的实施公司(或组织)和自己的决定,轻易绝不会妥协,但,有时候,也会发现,这种坚持也让自己走了弯路,我是否该听听其他人的意见,或者重新思考一下自己的决定?
    ★ 有人说我“学究”,说我只讲逻辑和理论,难道我在处事时没有充分考虑现实条件吗?
    ★ 我喜欢和聪明人打交道,有时也许会无意中表现出对稍愚钝的人的不耐烦,我如果表现的含蓄一点,对我的管理职能的发挥会有帮助。
    ★ 我的某些处事方式,是不是伤害了他人的感情或利益,而我却看不到(或从来不在意)?
    ★ 是否总是在出现问题时,才发现过于关注工作,对朋友和家庭付出的关注和投入太少?
    ★ 有时会发觉我似乎有强迫的倾向,一件事情如果我认为可以改善,即使并不重要,我也会努力去改变他,这个需要我注意,尤其是在有更重要的任务的时候。







    这一矛盾会带来一些信息的复杂化。表面上INTJ的口头指示赋予的是灵活性和自由度,如:“你可以获得充足的时间,采用你认为最好的方式来完成这项工作 ”,而这句话的另一层意思是“尽快完成它并把它做好”。这种信息会使INTJ型人I感觉,而后者却经常要求可靠和准时。如果INTJ把真实意思表达清楚的话,就应该是“如果每次你都能又快又好地完成任务,那么你就能获得更多的灵活性和自由发挥的空间”,这样就不会产生矛盾了。






















    * 有独特构思的理论家 * 概念性的、有远见的思考者

    2、运用思维做出逻辑性的判定,而不会以情感为依据做出判断。用批判的眼光审视一切,如果形势需要会很坚强、很果断。 往往是:

    * 清晰简洁 * 理智、不受他人影响、客观地批判一切




    一般不直截了当地表现自己最受尊敬的和最有价值的那一部分,即创造性的洞察力,而是将这种洞察力表现在有逻辑的计划决策上。因此,旁人有时觉得你很难驾驭,而这一点大大出乎你的意料,因为在面对新的具体情况时,在你还没对此形成自己的独特理论认识之前,你很愿意改变观点。以平静、果断、自信的形象面对世界,但发现自己在交际中有困难。 别人一般认为你:

    * 喜欢独处,自制力强,难以被人了解,甚至冷漠
    * 概念化,有创造性,独立性强




    * 变得冷漠,发生很大的变化,对自己内心思想不多坦露
    * 对于那些不能很快的领悟他看法的人吹毛求疵,而后又变得很专一,并执拗地去追求这个目标。
    * 忽略与自己的理论模式不符的细节和现象
    * 玩弄“智力游戏”,说些于他人没有意义、没有关系、似是而非的东西
    * 对于自己的决策给其他个人带来的影响不够重视
    * 不能如其他人所期待的那样给予足够的赞誉和亲切的关注

